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2nd European Congress of the International Radiation Protection Assn (IRPA)

09 декабря 2005 18:55

место: Франция, Париж

место проведения: Франция, Париж

области знаний:

  • физика

тип мероприятия: конгресс

статус мероприятия: международное

название: 2nd European Congress of the International Radiation Protection Assn (IRPA)

окончание регистрации: 15 сентября 2005

начало мероприятия: 15 мая 2006


  • Phone : +33 (0)1 44 64 15 15
  • Fax : +33 (0)1 44 64 15 16
  • E-mail : irpa2006@colloquium.fr

ссылка: сайт с информацией


The Second European International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) Congress to be held in Paris, from May 15 th to May 19 th 2006, will be organised by the French Society for Radiation Protection (SFRP).This European Congress, a global forum on the Radiological Protection field, will be a unique opportunity to present papers on and debate about all those subjects which will determine the future of this speciality, ranging from the scientific data and questions about biological radiation effects, to the regulation and practice of radiation protection.

This includes the control of exposure to natural radiation, to professional and medical radiations, the evolution of the radiological protection system, the protection against non-ionising radiations and the participation of the public with respect to more sensitive questions. This multidisciplinary approach,which covers a broad panel of skills, gives us the opportunity to propose to you a "Radiation Protection: from Knowledge to Action " tour.

The work during the Congress will be carried out on a theme basis, led by renowned experts as invited speakers, with refresher courses, panel sessions, poster sessions for author communications, some of which will be selected for oral presentations, and enough time to actively participate in discussions. The highlights and conclusions will be presented in plenary session.

The Technical Exhibition, which will occupy a large special section of the Congress venue, will give the opportunity to industrial and commercial companies to show their latest developments in all the fields in wich radiation protection is playing an active role.

The SFRP wants to express its enthusiasm as organiser of this important Congress. We are proud to welcome international colleagues to Paris, a capital with worldwide recognition. We are working hard not just to ensure a professional and fruitful Congress but also to provide all the participants with a pleasant, friendly and memorable visit.

Andrй Aurengo


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