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World Clean Technology Summit (WCTS 2012)

16 ноября 2011 22:23

место проведения: Makerere University

области знаний:

  • сельскохозяйственные науки
  • экология
  • экономика и международные отношения

тип мероприятия: конференция

статус мероприятия: международное

название: World Clean Technology Summit (WCTS 2012)

организаторы мероприятия:

  • Pilot International

контингент участников:

  • все желающие
  • студенты
  • аспиранты
  • молодые учёные

окончание регистрации: 01 сентября 2012

начало мероприятия: 26 сентября 2012

оргвзнос: $300 (Daily Delegate $150)

возможность публикации: научная статья

проживание: оплачивается участником


  • Pilot International, Plot 15/17, 2nd street, Industrial area, P.O Box 22500, Kampala-Uganda.
  • Tel; +256772-508970, +256701-508970
  • E-mail; info@pilotinternationalconferences.org, info@pilot-int.org

ссылка: сайт с информацией

The themes for the WCTS 2012 will include but not limited to the following:
1. Access to Cleaner Alternative Energy Cooking and Heating Exposure to smoke from traditional cook stoves and open fires, which is the primary means of cooking and heating for nearly three billion people in the developing world – causes 1.9 million premature deaths annually, primarily women and children.
2. Renewable Energy– Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Hydro, BioEnergy, Biogas, Biomass.
1.4 billion people do not have access to electricity and an additional one billion only have intermittent access.
To expand access, the global community needs to ensure that investments for electricity access are spread more evenly around the world and within countries, reaching all sectors of society and economy including the poor.
3. Energy Efficiency in production sectors.
Rapid industrialization among developing countries and those with economies in transition is anticipated to accelerate the increase in future global energy demand. In this context, decoupling economic growth from energy growth is critical for the achievement of sustainable economic development.
4. Access to Safe Water, Food Security and implications on Global Health and GHG emissions. Scarce resources are coming under increasing stress – endangering water, food and energy security and jeopardizing fundamental development goals of increased human wellbeing, economic development and poverty eradication.
5. Insurance & Risk Management as a sustainability tool for Clean Technology investments. Innovations and new technologies are normally associated with risks. However without undertaking risks, countries would remain under developed. The theme will discuss the role of insurance as a risk taker and manager to ensure the sustainability of clean technology investments.
6. Partnerships in Clean Technology and Global sustainability.
The World Clean Technology Summit will provide an opportunity for the establishment of partnerships in the global setting. This theme will provide an opportunity for investors to communicate the partnerships they are seeking in the clean technology sector locally and internationally.

All participants must register and pay fees in order to attend the summit.
The registration fees will allow attendance of the summit, meals and soft drinks during the summit, summit materials, and attendance of the closing reception and awards ceremony.

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