Интернет-портал интеллектуальной молодёжи

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14th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions

16 декабря 2005 22:49

место: Соединенные Штаты Америки, Irvine

место проведения: Соединенные Штаты Америки, Irvine

тип мероприятия: конференция

статус мероприятия: международное

название: 14th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions

окончание регистрации: 12 июня 2006

начало мероприятия: 12 июня 2006


  • Phone: +1-949-824-6911
  • Email: susy06 [at] uci.edu

ссылка: сайт с информацией

The scientific program of SUSY06 will include morning plenary sessions and afternoon parallel sessions grouped by topic:

  1. Collider Physics [COLLIDERS]
    Experimental results, searches, and bounds; simulation tools; accelerator physics; precision electroweak studies; Higgs physics; supersymmetry studies and experimental signatures; analyses of LHC and International Linear Collider prospects; studies of flavor and CP violation at colliders; general collider phenomenology
  2. Precision Physics and Neutrinos [PRECISION]
    Precision experiments at low energies; rare decays; low-energy CP violation; lepton flavor violation; proton decay; B factories; neutrino masses, mixings, and oscillations
  3. Supersymmetric Models [MODELS]
    The minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM); extensions of the MSSM; minimal supergravity; grand unified theories; SUSY flavor and CP problems; gauge-, gaugino– anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking; new mediation mechanisms; SUSY flavor theories
  4. Alternative Electroweak Theories [ALTERNATIVES]
    Strongly-coupled theories; large and warped extra dimensions; universal extra dimensions; little Higgs theories; exotica
  5. String Theory and Formal Aspects [STRINGS]
    M theory; D-branes; AdS/CFT; non-perturbative physics; strings and QCD; string phenomenology; string cosmology; supersymmetry breaking; supergravity
  6. Cosmology and Astrophysics [COSMO]
    Cosmological observations; direct and indirect searches for dark matter; new dark matter candidates; dark energy; inflation; the cosmic microwave background; structure formation; neutrinos in cosmology; cosmic rays; ultra-high energy cosmic neutrinos
Parallel talk submissions will be accepted after registration opens in early 2006. Please check back then.